Secretary of State Corporation and Business Entity Search

Secretary of State

Corporation & Business Entity Search

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Find information on any corporation or business entity in the United States by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page. This site is not affiliated with any government entity and there is no charge to use it. Please note that while most state websites provide basic registration information for free, there are some that may require a fee for more detailed information. Additionally, we may earn commissions if you purchase products or services through some of the links below. You can learn more about corporation search by reading the SecStates Blog.

Bullet point 1 Corporations in the United States
In the United States, corporations and other business entities are registered by individual states – not the federal government. Each state has its own company registry and handles formation, registration, maintenance, and dissolution of legal entities doing business there.
Bullet point 2 Find out where a business is registered
To find out which state (or states) a corporation is registered in, you can use a service like National Corporation Directory, which has a tool to quickly search all 50 state registries for a particular company. (There is a $25 fee, but this grants unlimited access for a full 24 hours.) You may also want to try their free Quicksearch tool to search a huge commercial database of business locations by company name, phone number, or person name.
Bullet point 3 Search Secretary of State company databases
If you already know which state a company is in, you can visit that state’s Secretary of State website to search for the company details like status, date of incorporation, good standing, and registered agent. Certain states also provide detailed filing documents, which can sometimes help you determine ownership. Select a state below to visit that state’s Secretary of State company search page.
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